Friday, November 13, 2020

9 Life Lessons

Thank you again, everyone, for all your birthday greetings! My wish is for everyone to stay safe and healthy and for this pandemic to end very soon.

Because I am now 36 (3+6=9), well, my husband thinks I am 63 (6+3 still equals 9), I am sharing these nine life’s lessons I have learned so far in the past year.
9 Life Lessons
1. Praise God incessantly.
2. Take care of yourself first before others. You can’t take care of others if you’re unwell.
3. Be gentle with yourself and your thoughts. Guard your sanity.
4. Relax your mind. You can’t control everything.
5. Be thankful for every little thing, even challenges. Challenges help you grow.
6. Appreciate and love your family. Get rid of toxic and envious people in your life. Better yet, LEAVE! RUN! (gracefully, though). They don’t belong in your heart. They don’t care about you—they only cause you pain.
7. Find beauty and comfort from nature. Save some plants. Plant some shrubs and trees. They are God’s precious gifts.
8. Forgive and let go. It’s painful to hold grudges.
9. Self-care is important. Get some massage. Listen to music. Take some hot baths. Get some alone time with God.

Just an "Among us" poem.

 Roses are red

Violets are blue

Chocolate is delicious 

Red is suspicious............................

       - Samantha 

Plant Vlogs (Part 1)

Just my two cents: I’ve been noticing some people criticizing others who are collecting plants. They say they’re crazy and that they’re wasting their money, or they even say, I’d instead buy something else. There you go. “I’d rather buy something else.” Let me remind you that everyone is different. Everyone is unique. Everyone has different interests and passions. Everyone is battling another battle. Stop criticizing each other! If you like something else, go ahead. You want dogs; you like cats, feel free to get them. I can’t afford an $800 dog, but I can afford a $10 plant. Do dogs make you happy? Plants make me happy. Whatever makes someone happy, you should be happy for them too. This time is critical, and we need some outlet to release all the negativities. Some people find it therapeutic to attend to their plants. Like dogs, plants can be their best friend. So, please let’s just be gentle with others who can find happiness with gardening and collecting plants. That might just be the only way to help them emotionally and psychologically. STOP BEING an IGNORAMUS! Be happy; life is short.