Saturday, June 15, 2019

Closer to You

Thank you, God, for making me closer to you.
If it wasn't because of 700 Club US and Asia, I wouldn't have known where I am today.

Praise God, for He lifted my arms when I can no longer raise them.
I raised my arms high enough and released the pain.
He carried me when I can no longer move.
He gave me strength when I was weak.
He wiped away my tears when I can no longer smile.
I wept loudly and he embraced me.
He opened my heart when I can no longer breathe.
He brought me back to life, now I am free.
Free from depression, free from pain
Free from frustration, free from anger
Free from disappointments, filled with contentment
Free from despair, now filled with hope
Free from agony, now filled with faith.

All glory to YOU, Dear God.

Your once lost daughter, now a renewed woman.